Turning the first page of the new year book

I have an interesting brain-wash section this morning by reading Seth Godin’s recent post on his intellectual typepad http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2015/02/say-something.html talking about Steve Jobs’ contribution to life through his lifetime and also, why and how you should develop or consolidate a daily-writing habit. No need to say that i did try many time but failied, mostly due to laziness, as a common reason for most primary failure in a human life and which is also the answer for missing the exercise today. Despicable me! And another thing, i don’t know how but i cannot access my former wordpress at http://www.alyssky.wordpress.com which saved my memos in Aus, the day i got proposed and other things. Seth makes me wanna own a typepad page for myself as well, unfortunately it is soooo expensive as such i’d rather spend it on buying a Ukulele to practice with my roommate. All of the above leads to what i’m typing now after resetting the old account (have no idea why did it exist differently vs. the other page). Regardless to whatever did occur, will manage to write few lines each day telling stuff and share comics, hope so.

By the way today i left home for work at 8:00 am and it was a big improvement. should try harder next time.

Most update: i plan to buy more acrylic colors, ready-to-paint canvas packs and an Ukulele. Art is my everlasting passion and i will pursuit the dream til the last breath. Music, on the other hand, is something i have never been gifted, but it’s so fun to try especially when he does it quite well. Maybe someday we’ll able to play music for our children, why not, who knows? A, B, C, D, E, F, G, La, Shi, Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol 😀